Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Niall in his home town. Not afraid!!

Today Niall was cought by papparazzi roaming the street in his home town accompanied by his mum and brother. Instead of running away from the papparazzi and trying to avoid them, he took pics of them . He was rocking his very american style with combat trousers, a tight white t-shirt, and red cap and while still being his little Irish self while still pulling off the american US popstar touch! While the boys are on their break it has been hard to find some news on them other then what they are doing on their vacation but we have managed to find a little bit of news for you. One Direction is going to be on Ellen Show!! so all you people who watch the hilarious Ellen get ready for 2 hilarious groups together!!!!!!! so the boys are almost done with their vacations and starting to get back to work already! So be ready for more great news to come on on our blog!!! -Sarah Styles!!!

1D is coming out with a new album

Hey guys!! You know in my last post about Niall I told you that One Direction had a little mini vacation I guess you could say and that they had a little extra time to visit their hometowns and stuff. Well, guess what?? They are back!!!! And already back to work in studio recording a new album for us!!!!!!!! They have been in Stockholm, Sweden for a few days singing their hearts out and putting 100% in to this for all of us Directioners out there. Niall tweeted while in the studio," great day so far in the studio!! Got some crackin tunes on the way!.. its been a while since we've been in the studio.. great t be back." They have so much fun everyday that Niall Horan tweeted the next day because he loved it so much," Another amazing day in the studio with rami,carl and @savan_kotecha, got some sick tunes for next album, and for you to hear worldwide on tour." Yep!!! You heard me!!! Another worldwide tour for us to anxiously wait for and beg our parents to buy us tickets!!!!!!!!! Come back soon to find more great news on One Direction!!! Keep Calm Wait Anxiously for One Direction's New Album to Come Out

1d movie!

Hey did u guys know ther,s a 1d movie? i didn't it comes out this summer! If you want to learn more go to onedirectionandstuff123.blogspot.com ~ M.T

Monday, May 28, 2012

love this blog

ok just a quick reminder to check out megan horan's blog @ onedirectionandstuff123.blogspot.com ~M.T

my letter to 1d

this is my letter to 1d hope you and them like it! click on it to be able to see it better! ~M.T

Sunday, May 27, 2012

new tattoo for zayn

hey this is new like 1minute ago new. so zayne just posted a pic of his new tattoo its a puzzle piece.its on his elbow. he Just posted the pic on instagram. Whenever the pic gets put on google ill insert it but its not on google yet! just remember our blog gets the 1d news the fastest! so subscribe follow and comment! ~MORGAN T.


i don't know if you guys heard, but 1d was in New York yesterday.  Seems like they were doing a concert. Sarah will fill you in with some more information soon. Bye! love, Morgan Tomlinson
(picture: one direction in concert, pics in NYC at Beacon Theater)

thanks to megan horan



Hello, sorry i havnt posted recently! Sarah and i just graduated to the next grade up... Massive thanks to my teachers!Massive thanks to One Direction also for keeping me sane! You know what would make me happy? Meeting one direction for my birthday! since its next sunday and all! well ya! happy summer! love, morgan tomlinson .xx

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


ok so today we had 8th grade debates. one of the arguments was should juviniles be punished the way adults are for murders? well they were debating and one person said to 1d lovers "what when Harry Styles was 16 and he murdered sum1? should he go to prison or juvey?" then the other team said "It doesny matter who the person is i dont want them to go sit in juvey 4 a year i want them to be punished so they dont do the same thing again!" we were like how dare she use him as an example and then say that they dont care... i meen harry would never ever kill any1! none of them would! i meen really harry killing sum1 is totally impossible in the way of statistics! so on their evaluation i put "dont talk about harry that way, really!" Im gonna forget that idea!!!!!!!!! well bye (ps the debates were funny but boring there are more tomorrow)

Friday, May 18, 2012

y do we love 1d?

so some people mite wonder y do we love 1d............ well 1d has really cute boys in it.... they are hilarious..... they have really good voices...... they are awesome...... they ,u know, got that 1thing.......they sing about me..... they r dyin just to no my name... they wanna save me... they luv everything bout me.... they think im pretty... they can make me happy wen all i wanna do is cry... they r very sweet... they make me feel good.. they make me cry... they make me laff.... theyre my kryptonite!!!!!!!!!!but the best thing is wen i hav a bad day, people bein jerks, boys makin fun of me 4 liking them, my friends dichin me, well they make me know i can take the critisism and harshness because i can escape with their music and they have even more critisism and are still goin good...now you know my secrets about y i like them and luv them...... love u 1d! love morgan tomlinson


ok iv'e decided that liam is accually really cute and awesome! sry sarah for doubting you! hes awesome and i love his voice! but my favourites are still niall harry and louis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i luv louis voice and nialls and harry's!!!!!!!!!!!!! so ya luv 1d! love morgan tomlinson

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Wanted are More Like The UnWanted!!!

Ok! You guys know about the band, The Wanted, right!?!? You know, they're pretty popular! If you dont recognize their name they sing," Glad You Came." So recently they have been mad because they think they are not as popular as One Direction. Of coarse they arent. They just need to suck it up because they will never be as popular as One Direction!!!! Period!!!! Their songs arent sweet and soft like One Direction's. Plus, The band doesnt appeal to teenage girls. It appeals to 80 year old girls. Trust me!! My grandma listens to the wanted!!!!!! Let Me know what you guys think!!
-Sarah Styles!! (p.s. Click on the pics to see them larger!!)

1d plz help

hey.... :( well me sarah and a few friends from school have been saving up to go to a 1d meet and greet.. so we had a bake sale and got most of our money... we raised about $200 in 4 days and we were all happy. . . . well today sarah came to school paniced and said that she lost the wallet, as some1 stole it or her dog took it or its deep in her bag.... well we havnt found it so i guess we arent going...... i criend wen i got home.... if 1d even no we exist or hav even seen our blog i wish they would help us to go... but wuts the chance of that but its worth a shot..... if 1d is seeing this, well this is my distress call, 4 girls were depending on this money but its gone soo plzzzzz help us, we just wanna meet u and then we'll be happy.... well thats the best i can do... so bye from morgan tomlinson:(

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


here are some funny or regular facts about one direction.Liam is the best hugger because he rubs your back... after waching Breaking Dawn louis pretended to be edward for the rest of the day. when a fan asks niall to marry them he always says yes... wen louis bored he'll poke harry to annoy him...harry hates olives(like me).....niall scremed wen justin beiber followed him....liam spells laugh as "laff"(just like me)....liam doesn't like lip gloss on girls(i hardly wear the stuff)...louis and zayn snuck out of their hotel in sidney and ended up getting lost(sumthing i would do)....niall laffed after 1d was in a car crash...wen the boys met louis they thot he was quiet.... niall loves to wach horror movies with a girlfriend so wen she gets scared they can cuddle... harry hates it wen fans scream and squeel wen  hes trying to talk... louis and liam made harry cry by stratening his hair in his sleep. louis told his sister "dont love harry youre too good for him"...zayn likes girls with long b rown hair..wen louis was a kid he tried to drown his fish..harry loves going to the beach(me too)...niall cried wen he saw a fake pic of him smoking...liam cried the 1st time he saw lion king(me too)...zayn means beautiful in arabic... harry luvs it wen a girl falls asleep with her head on his lap...niall loves annoying zayn by singing every thing in opera so one morning niall was doing that and zayn slapped him..niall's favourite movie of all time is Grease..wen niall proposes he wants to do it in a hot air baloon...niall calls himself the irish beiber.. nialls a loud shower singer... harry takes long showers...in LA harry walked into a glass door and niall couldnt stop laffing then niall ran ito it..zayn looks for intellegance in a girl as louis looks for a cheeky girl....niall wouldnt take off his shirt like the other boys because he said he was too pale...harry loves the smell of pepermint on a girl...wen louis was little and his mom was pregnant he asked "do u love the baby in ur tummy" "of course"she replied then he said "then why did you eat her?"...harry's a clean freak(i can be sum times), as louis is messy(thats me most of the time)....niall said that if the worl ended in 10 seconds the last thing he would do was fart..louis' favourite song on up all night is moments(love moments)...niall loves muffins but says they are just ugly cupcakes...harry perfers girls with soft stomaches as to toned ones...well thats all im gonna say.. love you and love 1d... love, morgan tomlinson

Monday, May 14, 2012


sadly this is one direction on SNL they look like idiots but u know gotta love em! lol louis, nial and liam look ridiculously funny! its bloody hilarious! (my 1d talk ) so ya love 1d, subscribe, and comment bye! love, morgan tomlinson

my dog

(my dogs pic)i just named my dog and his name is kane harry gabriella ohhhh i love his middle name coz  i piked it out and his middle name is harry!!!!!!!!!! love, morgan tomlinson                          ps plz comment and subscribe

Sunday, May 13, 2012

1d quiz

1.fave bands/artists and why?    2.do you play an instrament?   3.fave food of all time?    
4.fave tv charactor?          5.sun or snow?      6.which actor/actress would you be in a movie?  
7.which style do you admire the most?
love,morgan tomlinson

for meggy (any directioneers that live here)

miss seeing you back in the usa!!! BUT LOVE IT HERE!
love, morgan tomlinson

One Direction is Coming Out with a New Album!!! YEA!!!!

Hey guys!! You know in my last post about Niall I told you that One Direction had a little mini vacation I guess you could say and that they had a little extra time to visit their hometowns and stuff. Well, guess what?? They are back!!!! And already back to work in studio recording a new album for us!!!!!!!! They have been in Stockholm, Sweden for a few days singing their hearts out and putting 100% in to this for all of us Directioners out there. Niall tweeted while in the studio," great day so far in the studio!! Got some crackin tunes on the way!.. its been a while since we've been in the studio.. great t be back." They have so much fun everyday that Niall Horan tweeted the next day because he loved it so much," Another amazing day in the studio with rami,carl and @savan_kotecha, got some sick tunes for next album, and for you to hear worldwide on tour." Yep!!! You heard me!!! Another worldwide tour for us to anxiously wait for and beg our parents to buy us tickets!!!!!!!!! Come back soon to find more great news on One Direction!!! Keep Calm Wait Anxiously for One Direction's New Album to Come Out

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Niall in His Home Town. Not Afraid!!!! and some other very exciting news!

Today Niall was cought by papparazzi roaming the street in his home town accompanied by his mum and brother. Instead of running away from the papparazzi and trying to avoid them, he took pics of them .  He was rocking his very american style with combat trousers, a tight white t-shirt, and red cap and while still being his little Irish self while still pulling off the american US popstar touch! While the boys are on their break it has been hard to find some news on them other then what they are doing on their vacation but we have managed to find a little bit of news for you. One Direction is going to be on Ellen Show!! so all you people who watch the hilarious Ellen get ready for 2 hilarious groups together!!!!!!! so the boys are almost done with their vacations and starting to get back to work already! So be ready for more great news to come on on our blog!!! -Sarah Styles!!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

my big red bus

my big red bus!!!1 my car in the future!! 1d wen theyre married...ok so from left to rite.(all girls are my friends)... hanging off bus is zayne and kaitlyn, on bus, kendall and niall, sarah and liam, kristen and harry, driving bus, me and louis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love louis!!!! love morgan tomlinson

Niall and a New Girlfriend!!!! Nooooo!!!!

Hey! Sarah Styles here again with some very heartbreaking news. Ok! This was posted only 7 hours ago on hollywoodlife.com Niall has been hanging out at home in Mullinger, Ireland (where we live but we never see him!) just this past weekend and it seems that he has a new girlfriend back home named Ali McGinley. Its weird cuz only a few weeks ago he mentioned he didnt have a girlfriend and how could he get a girlfriend so fast while only being home for 2 days?? Check out the pics at hollywoodlife.com and you tell me if they are dating or not!! Leave your comments and subscribe plzzz. Thanx Sarah Styles <3

Monday, May 7, 2012

i love louis

love morgan tomlinson

Glee takes on One Direction??? Ummm???? No.

Ok. This was posted 3 hours ago on Google. When i saw this i was like omg are you kidding me. Another freakin Glee song to mess up again. They are ruing WMYB. Its such a good song and they have to mess it up! Really!! For the 3rd season of Glee they decide to take on what they thing is best for last by tearing up the best one direction song ever. For this weeks episode they are singing WMYB for Prom-asaurus(stupid). And the worst part is they are calling themselves New Direction. Yep. You heard me. So if you want to watch the terrible video on hollywoodlife.com before it comes out on May 8 go ahead but i am warning you. It will be the 4 minutes of your life you could have spent doing something even better like washing the dishes or folding your own laundry. But who am i kidding. Thats what moms are for. :) Thanx again for reading. -Sarah Styles <3

Sunday, May 6, 2012

niall's so cute

this is mean, but probobly true. love you niall so dont quit 1d and dont get engaged (unless to me or megan or else i'll cry) love morgan tomlinson

My conversation

My future conversation with 1d . . . "I love you" harry "Love you 2!" me "Please marry me" harry "ye . . ." me "no marry me, so your last name will acually be tomlinson!" louis "um" me "No, please me!" Niall "Lemme thi.." me  "Marry me then!" Zayn "uh-no" me "why not!?!" zayn "wut about me!" liam "well,I pick louis and Harry!" me "YAY!!" harry louis &  "MAN!" zayn & liam "i love all of you but theyre my favourites, no offense" me. . . . . love, morgan tomlinson [ps if i marry harry and louis (wich i will) my last name will be stylenson(styles and tomlinson mixed togeter!)i am really gonna marry them youll see!]

im changing my name

on the blog am am now changing my last name to tomlinson cuz i love louis and sarah already took styles and one of my friend luvs nial so ya now im morgan tomlinson