Tuesday, May 22, 2012


ok so today we had 8th grade debates. one of the arguments was should juviniles be punished the way adults are for murders? well they were debating and one person said to 1d lovers "what when Harry Styles was 16 and he murdered sum1? should he go to prison or juvey?" then the other team said "It doesny matter who the person is i dont want them to go sit in juvey 4 a year i want them to be punished so they dont do the same thing again!" we were like how dare she use him as an example and then say that they dont care... i meen harry would never ever kill any1! none of them would! i meen really harry killing sum1 is totally impossible in the way of statistics! so on their evaluation i put "dont talk about harry that way, really!" Im gonna forget that idea!!!!!!!!! well bye (ps the debates were funny but boring there are more tomorrow)

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