Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Wanted are More Like The UnWanted!!!

Ok! You guys know about the band, The Wanted, right!?!? You know, they're pretty popular! If you dont recognize their name they sing," Glad You Came." So recently they have been mad because they think they are not as popular as One Direction. Of coarse they arent. They just need to suck it up because they will never be as popular as One Direction!!!! Period!!!! Their songs arent sweet and soft like One Direction's. Plus, The band doesnt appeal to teenage girls. It appeals to 80 year old girls. Trust me!! My grandma listens to the wanted!!!!!! Let Me know what you guys think!!
-Sarah Styles!! (p.s. Click on the pics to see them larger!!)


  1. 1st of all,sarah, 80 year olds arent considered girls. and y do they even plan to continue their entertaning careers if 1d is around, i meen theyll never be as good as 1d. so hoo the hek do they think they are.. it makes me laff, ha ha ha! they just dont have that 1thing 1d has! 1d stole my heart and many others 2 so the wanted need to be quiet. theyre quite rude to think such a thing... sry as ypu can tell im very passionate in what i believe! luv morgan tomlinson

  2. in the second pic liam looks like hes gonna kill sum 1..... louis is beein 2 serious... and harry looks cunfused... niall looks like he duznt know wuts happenin... zayne looks idk normal..
