Sunday, May 13, 2012

One Direction is Coming Out with a New Album!!! YEA!!!!

Hey guys!! You know in my last post about Niall I told you that One Direction had a little mini vacation I guess you could say and that they had a little extra time to visit their hometowns and stuff. Well, guess what?? They are back!!!! And already back to work in studio recording a new album for us!!!!!!!! They have been in Stockholm, Sweden for a few days singing their hearts out and putting 100% in to this for all of us Directioners out there. Niall tweeted while in the studio," great day so far in the studio!! Got some crackin tunes on the way!.. its been a while since we've been in the studio.. great t be back." They have so much fun everyday that Niall Horan tweeted the next day because he loved it so much," Another amazing day in the studio with rami,carl and @savan_kotecha, got some sick tunes for next album, and for you to hear worldwide on tour." Yep!!! You heard me!!! Another worldwide tour for us to anxiously wait for and beg our parents to buy us tickets!!!!!!!!! Come back soon to find more great news on One Direction!!! Keep Calm Wait Anxiously for One Direction's New Album to Come Out

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